This project definitely reminds me of a project I had to do in Mac Lab sophomore year where we had to take a photo and make it look angelic and then demonic:

I began by looking up different types of art using manipulation. There's the optical illusion types of manipulation like this Freudian image about the subconscious and making people see one thing and actually see something else:

I've always been interested in op-art and illusions so it could be interesting to incorporate something like this into the final project. Similar to this Freudian picture, there's the artwork of M.C.Escher (who I have always been a big fan of). He is a master of manipulation, changing perspectives and transforming one image into another to create a seemingly realistic yet impossible scene:

In addition to Escher, there are tons of surrealist images out there that combine images in an interesting and almost creepy way. Here's a cool image I found on flickr:

Lastly, there's the idea of manipulation not only in the art itself but in it's presentation. Marcel DuChamp practiced manipulating his audience with many of his pieces, convincing the viewer to believe that a urinal could be art, forcing them to consider the meaning of art and change opinions on what could and should be found in art galleries.

I'm not sure what form I want my final project to take but I'm particularly interested in seeing how I can layer multiple images to change meaning and create a new image.