today was freaking amazing.
we spent all morning working on the posters (surprise surprise) but then around 11 one of the producers came over to us and asked if we wanted to go watch her work on a commercial, which of course we did! We took a cab over to
Color, the audio post-production company that's working on the commercial, and funny story, we ran into Jake in the lobby since apparently Digital Kitchen did the graphics and he was dropping off the tape!
Color was one of the coolest places ever, a huge space with lots of pictures of dogs and random art, lots of food and drinks, and the guys who work there are totally chill. We met Jeff who showed Kat and me tons of commercials and gave us some DVDs of work...he also told us to keep in touch and let him know if we ever need anything. Kat told him giving us this freedom to call him was a bad idea haha. My favorite thing he showed us was this
We watched the guys put together the video and audio which was really interesting and the actor came in to do the voice-over. I could never do voice-overs since I wouldn't know how to say the same sentence a million times "being more assertive" and "a little less snarky"...but it was fun to watch. The agency got us sushi for lunch and we spent the rest of the afternoon watching them work on the commercial and sat in on the conference call with the client (so cool!)
Then it was back to the madness of the agency where things seem to be out of control because of the big pitch everyones working on. We ran into Amy and she told us that KEVIN RODDY (the creative director who I researched for Ann's class and makes me feel like I'm in the presence of a celebrity!) walked past our desks today and saw the posters we're working on and said they look really cool and he might be meeting with us on monday. OMG.
So basically, today was amazing. I'm so sad that I only have 1 more week at BBH. I don't want to leave =(